Personalized Multisport Coaching
Austin, TX 78746

Advanced Coaching Package

Includes initial one hour meeting to discuss training goals, targeted races and set performance goals, race & training history, desired (possible) training volume per week.

The training plans can be set up for an entire racing season, or for a specific target race. This coaching package is specifically designed for athletes who have a few years of racing experience, and for those with ambitious performance goals, like qualifying for the Ironman in Hawaii or qualifying for National or World Championships.

Every week the athlete receives

  • A detailed training plan for the week by email (incl. HR target zones, power targets, distance and/or time per workout). These are often specific, performance oriented workouts with detailed instructions on intensity levels, training courses, recovery times, etc.
  • Strength and functional maintenance training advice
  • Additional email advice per week (response guaranteed within 24 hrs)
  • Weekly review of training diary and email feedback
  • Workout adjustments as needed
  • Training plan updates on demand after email & phone conversations
  • Pre-race strategy planning and post race analysis

$100 start-up fee
$200 per month